thank you, thank you very much
Officers & Committee Responsibilities
Each committee in our club must follow the Responsibilities for their committee. Except in certain health situations, they may be excused at that time.
Scroll down to find your committee

President Responsibilities
The President has the responsibility for the general management of the affairs of the Corporation, and shall carry out the resolutions of the Board of Directors.
The President:
1. shall preside over the meetings. In this capacity the president makes sure that the topics on the agenda are given complete consideration, that consensus is achieved and that everyone has an opportunity to be heard. The president needs to balance thorough discussion with efficiency in moving through the agenda.
2. shall provide structure so that the work of the board and organization can be accomplished. For example the president must ensure that there is an agenda for each meeting, minutes are kept and reviewed as well as reports provided in advance of the meeting to allow for a complete review and consideration of the issues by the board.
3. Ensure that members understand their jobs and are able to fulfill those expectations.
4. Work with the committee chairpersons. The president may serve as a member of the board's various committees.The President shall review requests of the committee and decide if need are receivable.
5.Depending on the by-laws of the organization, the president may be a member of the various committees. The president should work with each committee chairperson to identify potential problems or issues and help the chairperson to resolve them.
6. The President has equal votes as all Officers do.
7.When voting on club matters and a decision on a certain matter can't be decided on then the President makes the final decision.
8. President can make reasonable decisions on her own.
9. In a situation were one officer is absent and there is a tie vote the President makes the final decision.
10. To make 90% of the meetings
11. To support our events
12. To help out at the Festival
Vice President Responsibilities
1. Preside over the meetings in the absence of the President.
2. Carry out duties as described by the by-laws and the President responsibilities in the absent of the President.
3. Can vote on matters as is all Officers.
4.To make 75% of the meetings
5. To support our events
6. To help out at the Festival
Secretary Responsibilities
1. Meeting minutes must be transcribed and delivered to the President for review. Everything discussed at the meeting must be put in the meeting minutes. Nothing is to be left out. All of meetings discussions are needed for future reference. Meeting minute need to be out on time they should be implemented and delivered within a week of the meeting. If secretary is unable to meet this deadline for any reason; they must turn over the notes and transcription equipment after the meeting for transcription to appointed person. Person who does the fan-outs and the webmasters need to have the meeting minutes within a week to get them out.
2. The secretary is responsible for keeping track of all members who attend meetings and to have a tally sheet to verify Perfect Attendance, Members of the Month and Qualifications for Vests and Pins to be given out at the Annual Elvis Presley Continentals Festival.
3. The secretary is responsible for getting an updated list of members.
4. The secretary is responsible for mailing out birthday cards, sympathy and get well CD's. Birthday cards must be sent out by the end of the month before the Birthdays ( like end of January for February birthdays ) CD' in memory of and Elvis is the best medicine needs to go out within a day or two of when we find out about a member. ( the CD is so the members can listen to it while they are sick to make them feel better or when they have a loss to help them get through it). Membership due reminders need to be sent out in the month due expires so members will know when their dues are up.
5.To make 75% of the meetings
6. To support our events
7. To help out at the Festival
Treasurer Responsibilities
1. Keep accurate financial records for the corporation.
2. Shall be duly authorized, as stated in our by-laws, to sign checks in the name of the corporation. Also President can do same.
3. Deposit money, drafts, and checks in the name of and to the credit of the corporation in the banks and depositories designated by the board. Also President can do same.
4. Endorse for deposit notes, checks, and drafts received by the corporation as ordered by the board, making proper vouchers for the deposit; Also President can do same.
5. Disburse corporate funds and issue checks and drafts in the name of the corporation as ordered by the board. Also President can do same.
6. Upon request, provide the president and the board an account of transactions by the treasurer and of the financial condition of the corporation; and, perform other duties prescribed by the board or by the president.
7.To make 75% of the meetings
8. To support our events
9. To help out at the Festival
Member at Large on the Board of Directors Officer Responsibilities
1. To help the President along with the other Officers to run our club.
2. To put in suggestions on procedures for our club.
3.To vote on procedures to run our club.
4. To make 75% of the meetings
5. To support our events
6. To help out at the Festival
News Editor Officer Responsibilities
1. To appoint an assistant to take over duties when unable to perform said duties
2. To get assistance on whenever is necessary from the co-news Editor
3. To get out the word on everything we do to advertise in the newsletter
4. To put Elvis info in the newsletter
5. To get the newsletter out every four months
6. Can vote on matters as is all Officers.
7. To make 75% of the meeting
8. To support our events
9. To help out at our Festival.
Advertising responsibilities committee
1. To assist chairperson of committees that need advertising.
2. To get all our event info out as much as possible.
3. To get out the word on everything possible to advertise with.
4. To get as many free ads as possible.
5. To get tickets out and posted for each event tickets are needed.
6. To help to put an ad in the newspaper
7. To get out the flyers everywhere possible.
8. To help get tv ads, radio ads, interviews, etc
9. To help set up signs at Event location..
Auction responsibilities for Chairperson
1. To appoint an assistant to take over duties when unable to perform said duties
2. To get assistance on whatever is necessary
3. Get flyer for collecting valuable Elvis items for donations.
4. Help get donated items
5. Announce each item to be auctioned
6. Get items itemized and ready for auction including value and donor.
7.Get tally for item sold and remaining
8. Get Runners to bring each item won to winner
9. Get money tallied
10. To set up tables to display all items for sale.
11. Keep tally of all monies collected and turn over to club Treasurer to give to President to place in safe in room to be tallied at end of event.
12. Turn in receipts for reimbursements of any expenses that may have accrued.
Auction responsibilities for committee
1. To assist chairperson of whatever is necessary.
2. To take over he duties of the chairperson in his/her absence.
3. Get flyers for collecting Valuable Elvis items for donations
4. Help get donations
5. Help get items itemized and ready for auction
6. Get runners to bring each item won to winner
7. Help get money tallied
Carshow responsibilities for Chairperson
1.To get assistance on whatever is necessary
2.To contact car clubs and invite them to the carshow.
3. To get Flyers handed out to advertise for the carshow
4. To get trophies for each category in the carshow
5. To get each car parked in the right places at the carshow
6. To get the numbers made for the carshow
7. To get numbers for each car handed out as cars come to carshow
8. To get voting slips made for voting on the cars at the carshow
9. To get the voting slips handed out for voting.
10. To get the ribbons handed out for each car that comes to the carshow
11. To get the money collected for each car registration for the carshow
12. To get members of the carshow committee to help out on different area of the carshow
13. Appoint an assistant to take over duties when Chairperson is unable to perform said duties
Carshow responibilities for Committee
1.To assist the chairperson with whatever is necessary.
2. To take over he duties of the chairperson in his/her absence.
3. To contact car clubs and invite them to the carshow.
4. To get Flyers handed out to advertise for the carshow
5. To help get trophies for each category in the carshow
6. To get each car parked in the right places at the carshow
7. To help get the numbers made for the carshow
8. To get numbers for each car handed out as cars come to carshow
9. To help get voting slips made for voting on the cars at the carshow
10. To get the voting slips handed out for voting.
11. To get the ribbons handed out for each car that comes to the carshow
12. To get the money collected for each car registration for the carshow
club table responsibilities for Chairperson
1.To get assistance on whatever is necessary
2. Get flyers for collecting Elvis items for donations.
3. Help get donated item.
4. Get items itemized for club table including value and donor.
5. Get tally for item sold and remaining.
6. To set up tables to display all items for sale.
7. Keep tally of all monies collected and turn over to club Treasurer to give to President to place in safe in room to be tallies at end of event.
8. Turn in receipts for reimbursements of any expenses that may have accrued.
9. Be responsible for safe keeping and storage of all items in their correct storage boxes until next event. These storage boxes/crates are to be given to the person storing the club item.
10. Appoint an assistant to take over duties when Chairperson is unable to perform said duties.
club table responsibilities for Committee
1. Get flyers for collecting items for donations.
2. Help get donated items.
3. Help get items itemized for club table.
4. Help get tally for item sold.
5. members of this committee should help out at different area around table as needed.
6. If chairman is not available to be at event someone from this committee should help to take his/her place
corporate sponsor responsibilities for Chairperson
1. To get assistance/ donation on club events when necessary
2. To get businesses to sponsor our club.
3. To get the corporate sponsor letter to give to the businesses.
4. To get other members of this committee to go out and help get sponsorship
5. Keep a list of all sponsorship for future use
6. To appoint an assistant to take over duties when unable to perform said duties
DJ responsibilities for Committee
1. To help out when the Chairperson is not available, as needed
2. To come to events and meetings and bring sound equipment and music. when needed to take the place of chairperson.
3. To get the lists of the singers for the events when taken place of chairperson.
4. To keep the order of the singers and announce the singers when taken place of chairperson.
corporate sponsor responsibilities for Committee
1. To help the chairperson with whatever is needed in his committee.
2. To help the chairman get businesses to sponsor our club.
3. To get the corporate sponsor letter to give to the businesses.
4. If chairman is not available to be at event someone from this committee should help to take his/her place
DJ responsibilities for Chairperson
1. To appoint an assistant to take over duties when unable to perform said duties
2. To get assistance on whatever is necessary
3. To come to events and meetings and bring sound equipment and music.
4. To get the lists of the singers for the events.
5. To keep the order of the singers and announce the singers.
Election/Voting Committee responsibilities
1. To appoint two people to take over duties when not running for election
2. To get assistance of one Officer and one club member not running for election.
3. To get a notice sent out of the election / voting
4. Get ballots for the election or tally sheet for voting
Voting is for the Officers
Voting for Officers are every 4 years
5. Get a ballot box for Officers elections
6. For Officers election the ballot box will be at the front table of the Festival with someone from the election committee there at all times.
7.Committee with collect votes at Festival with a pictured I.D and club membership card. (must be a current member to vote, one vote per member)
8. President will collect any votes either presented by E-mail or mailed-in and forward them to voting committee.
9.Committee will tally votes
10. Committee will announce winner.
Entertainment Committee responsibilities for chairperson
1. To appoint an assistant to take over duties when unable to perform said duties
2. To get assistance on whatever is necessary.
3. To get the themes (that the club voted on) ready for the shows, events, fundraisers, etc..
4. To get committee to bring costumes (clothings) as needed for their look as the part needed in the show.
5. To bring any instruments and/or equipment that may be needed in the show.
6. To get practices arranged and done with the committee.
7. Keep in budget.
Entertainment Committee responsibilities for committee member
1. To help out when we do shows with the band playing instruments and/or background singing.
2. To bring costumes (clothings) as needed for your look as the part needed in the show.
3. To bring any instruments and/or equipment that may be needed for your part in the show.
Festival Runner responsibilities for Chairperson
1. To appoint an assistant to take over duties when unable to perform said duties
2. To get assistance on whatever is necessary
3. To get the needs of the members in order, that are helping at the Festival.
4. To get food, drinks, etc.. for Festival workers
5. To get things taken care of if someone or some thing is needed from the hotel.
6. To help the Emcees with things need done at events.
7. To help Auctioneer show items and get items to winner of auctioned item.
Flower arrangement responsibilities for Committee
1. To get items for putting arrangement together
2. Make arrangement theme according to either the theme we are using at the festival or of what Elvis did at that time of the year.
3. Have arrangement ready with enough time to get it to Graceland on time.
4. Keep things as economical as possible, keep within budget
5. Turn in receipts for reimbursement
Festival Runner responsibilities for Committee
1. To assistance on whatever is necessary
2. To help the chairperson to get the needs of the members in order, that are helping at the Festival.
3. To get food, drinks, etc.. for Festival workers
4. To get things taken care of if someone or some thing is needed from the hotel
5. To help the Emcees with things need done at events.
6. To help Auctioneer show items and get items to winner of auctioned item.
Front reception responsibilities for Chairperson
1. To appoint an assistant to take over duties when unable to perform said duties
2. To get assistance on whatever is necessary
3. Get all paperwork printed.
Sign - in work sheets, tally sheets, front door sign-in sheets.
4. Set up reception table at Festival and keep table in front of door to stop people from going in without paying.
5. Get right colored arm bands when used.
6. Mark down arm band colors and keep count
7. Keep count of money for each category
8. Get people to help at each point at the Festival
Take money, put on the armbands, check for armbands at the door, hand out booklets and get guests to sign the sign-in book., etc¦
9. Collect money at events, shows and fundraisers
10. Keep tally of all monies collected and turn over to club Treasurer to give to President to place in safe in room to be tallied at end of event.
11. Turn in receipts for reimbursement
flyer distribution committee responsibilities for Chairperson
1. To appoint an assistant to take over duties when unable to perform said duties
2. To get copies of flyers of events, shows and fundraisers for our club.
3. To distribute the flyers around the area of the event, show or fundraiser.
4. To get help passing out the flyers from other club members in the area of the event, show or fundraiser.
5.Turn in receipts for reimbursement
Hospitality room/ food responsibilities for Chairperson
Hospitality room
1. To arrange for food, drinks, deserts, for lunches and dinners at allowed events.
2. To get for paper good to serve and eat food.
3. Get coolers, fridges, buffet/heaters,
4. Collect money for each person eating
5. To clean up after each day.
6. To get other members of this committee to help!
Meeting room and / or events, fund raisers, shows
1. To arrange for food, drinks, deserts
2. To get for paper good to serve and eat food.
3. Get coolers for drinks
4. To clean up after each event.
Turn in receipts for reimbursement
Front reception responsibilities for committee
1.To help the chairperson with whatever is needed in his committee.
2. Help get all paperwork printed.
Sign - in work sheets, tally sheets, front door sign-in sheets.
3. Help set up front table at Festival
4. Help get right colored arm bands when used
5. Help mark down arm band colors and keep count
6. Help keep count of money for each category
7. Help collect money at events, shows and fundraisers
Hospitality room responsibilities for Committee helper
1. To help arrange for food, drinks, deserts, for lunches and dinners at allowed events.
2. To help get for paper good to serve and eat food.
3. Help get coolers, fridges, buffet/heaters, tablecloths, microwaves, coffee pots, dessert table, help with serving food, Get chairs & tables for room from hotel
4. Refil: silverware, napkins, drinks, plates, cups, stc… for next day
5. To help clean up after each day. Put food away, clean off tables, take out garbage, wash bowls, urns, pots pane etc..
6. To help chairperson in anyway needed to run hospitality room
7. Help after its all over to pack-up supplies.
Food committee responsibilities
Meeting room and / or events, fund raisers, shows
1. To arrange for food, drinks, deserts
2. To get paper good to serve and eat food.
3. Get coolers for drinks
4. To clean up after each event.
5. To help out when the Chairperson is not available.
Liaison Responsibilities
To help President with the tasks that she/he does from the area afar.
To send out fan-outs, flyers, notices etc to help President to get these things out from areas afar.
To help get Club applications out to people for membership from areas afar.
To talk to people about our club to help get fundraisers, events, etc.. from areas afar.
EMCEE-responsibilities for committee
1.To find out when and help out if the Chairperson can't make the event.
2. To follow the procedures of the chairperson's agenda in his absence.
3. To come to the events and meetings and make announcements.
4. To get with the President in making sure the Festival announcer is there and prepared.
5. In the event that the Festival announcer is not available the chairman (or whomever is taking his/her place at the moment) must get with the President to get another Festival announcer from his/her committee.
Festival announcer EMCEE announces everything at the Festival.
EMCEE- responsibilities for Chairman
1. To come to the events and meetings and make announcements.
2. To get with the President in making sure the Festival announcer is there and prepared.
3. In the event that the Festival announcer is not available the chairperson must get with the President to get another Festival announcer from his/her committee.
4. In the event that he/she can not make the event or the meeting, he/she must make sure that someone from their committee is taking his/her place at that event or meeting.
Festival announcer EMCEE announces everything at the Festival.
News editor's procedure to get info
"Front cover Page"- news editor's responsibility,
"Inside front- club info" - get updated info from President
"Happy Birthday Page" - get updated info from Secretary
"Congratulations Page"- get info from Phone committee lists or Secretary
"Get well wishes page"- get info from Phone committee lists or Secretary
"Sincere Sympathy page_ get info from Phone committee lists or Secretary
"Letter from President page"- get letter from President
other Officer who would like to add a letter from them to the newsletter must send it to the News Editor
"club business" get updated info from President
"Welcome new members" get updated info from Secretary
"Welcome back renewals" get updated info from Secretary
"Members of the month" get updated info from Secretary
"Elvis Tribute Artist's websites" news editor's responsibility to get from club website's eta page
"ETA's fan clubs" - news editor's responsibility to get update
"Event Pictures"- get pictures from club photographer or from President
"Members fan clubs" news editor's responsibility to get update
"Mail Call" news editor's responsibility to get new mail from President, meeting or e-mails
"Fun & Games corner" news editor's responsibility
"Elvis items" news editor's responsibility
"News Editors comments"- news editor's responsibility
"Elvis picture on last page" news editor's responsibility
News Editor gets newsletter printed, stapled and mailed to members with no E-mail
News Editor sends newsletter to fan-out committee to send out in a fan-out to members with E-mail
Co-News editor responsibilities
1. To help out with any of the things below that the news Editor needs help with
"Front cover Page"- news editor's responsibility,
"Inside front- club info" - get updated info from President
"Happy Birthday Page" - get updated info from Secretary
"Congratulations Page"- get info from Phone committee lists or Secretary
"Get well wishes page"- get info from Phone committee lists or Secretary
"Sincere Sympathy page_ get info from Phone committee lists or Secretary
"Letter from President page"- get letter from President
other Officer who would like to add a letter from them to the newsletter must send it to the News Editor
"club business" get updated info from President
"Welcome new members" get updated info from Secretary
"Welcome back renewals" get updated info from Secretary
"Members of the month" get updated info from Secretary
"Elvis Tribute Artist's websites" news editor's responsibility to get from club website's eta page
"ETA's fan clubs" - news editor's responsibility to get update
"Event Pictures"- get pictures from club photographer or from President
"Members fan clubs" news editor's responsibility to get update
"Mail Call" news editor's responsibility to get new mail from President, meeting or e-mails
"Fun & Games corner" news editor's responsibility
"Elvis items" news editor's responsibility
"News Editors comments"- news editor's responsibility
"Elvis picture on last page" news editor's responsibility
News Editor gets newsletter printed, stapled and mailed to members with no E-mail
News Editor sends newsletter to fan-out committee to send out in a fan-out to members with E-mail
phone committee responsibilities for Chairperson
Make a letter for committee to follow.
Make a phone list for each committee member to follow
Get the letter and their phone list to each committee member.
Have then do as following:
1. Contact all members on phone list
If for some reason you can't do your phone list that month please let us know so someone can call these members. We wouldn't not want to contact all our members.
2. Call them at least twice. If no answer, leave info on their answering machine or in an E-mail.
3. Tell them everything that is on the phone committee letter.
4. Get all their correct info for our records and for next phone calling.
5. Get info to put in newsletter.
Birthdays, congratulations, get wells, sympathies, etc
6. Always tell them about the next events coming up.
phone committee callers responsibilities
1. Contact all members on phone list
If for some reason you can't do your phone list that month please let us know so someone can call these members. We wouldn't not want to contact all our members.
2. Call them at least twice. If no answer, leave info on their answering machine or on an E-mail.
3. Tell them everything that is on the phone committee letter.
4. Get all their correct info for our records and for next phone calling.
5. Get info to put in newsletter.
Birthdays, congratulations, get wells, sympathies, etc
6. Always tell them about the next events coming up.
photography responsibilities for Chairperson
1. Take pictures at every event, fundraiser, show, meeting, Festival, Etc. for our website.
2. Of course take pictures of the ETA, especially doing something extra special, but also take pictures of the rest of the show.
3. take pictures of any person doing a special part in the show, as a Solo singing in the background singers
Playing an instrument lead, etc..
When doing our American Trilogy when Elvis Presley is singing as in our Closing Ceremonies ( other then in the ETAs show, which should be mostly on the show) take pictures of the members holding hands in the circle.
Take pictures of the entire awards ceremony.
Members getting their vests, pins, plaques, etc
Take pictures of entire Friday night open mike event
Each guy singing, everyone who are danceing and the silent auction.
Take Pictures of Friday, Saturday and Sunday in the Vendors room.
The singing, the dealer tables the contest drawing table, club table, tee shirt table, etc..
Take pictures of the opening songs at the Festival show
Take pictures of the Sunday Gospel
Take pictures of the guests question and answer session.
Take pictures of Friday , Saturday , or Sunday events
Take pictures of the cars in the carshow and the winners getting their trophies
Take pictures of the entire event, fundraiser or special show Bring in receipts to get reimbursed for money spent on pictures, CDs, film, batteries, etc.
4.Turn in receipts for reimbursement
photography responsibilities for Committee
Take pictures when Chairman needs help.
1. Take pictures at every event, fundraiser, show, meeting, Festival, Etc. for our website.
2. Of course take pictures of the ETA, especially doing something extra special, but also take pictures of the rest of the show.
3. take pictures of any person doing a special part in the show, as a Solo singing in the background singers
Playing an instrument lead, etc ..
When doing our American Trilogy when Elvis Presley is singing as in our Closing Ceremonies ( other then in the ETA's show, which should be mostly on the show) take pictures of the members holding hands in the circle.
Take pictures of the entire awards ceremony.
Members getting their vests, pins, plaques, etc
Take pictures of entire Friday night open mike event
Each guy singing, everyone who are dancing and the silent auction.
Take pictures of Friday, Saturday and Sunday in the vendors room.
The singing, the dealer tables the contest drawing table, club table, tee shirt table, etc..
Take pictures of the opening songs at the Festival
Take pictures of the Sunday Gospel
Take pictures of the guests question and answer session
Take pictures of Friday , Saturday or Sunday events.
Take pictures of the cars in the carshow and the winners getting their trophies when we have a car show
Take pictures of the entire event, fundraiser or special show Bring in receipts to get reimbursed for money spent on pictures, CDs, film, batteries, etc.
Printer responsibilities for Chairperson
To Print what every is possible for what the club needs. Will design graphics and layout for the Festival theme to the best of his/her ability. All matter to be printed will be reviewed and approved by the President of the fan club. Quality of each printing job will be determined by the President.
Printer will also be responsible for purchasing any supplies (ink, paper, card stock, photo paper, etc.. ) turn in all receipts of for his/her reimbursement.
Following is a list of some of the items that will be needed throughout the year. May be subject to change.
1. Flyers for Festival, events, etc
2. Show Tickets (dinner and show & show only)
3. Posters
4. Memory Booklets.
5. What may be needed for centerpieces.
6. Birthday cards.
7. Membership cards.
8. Show programs.
9. Member of the month certificates.
10. Certificates of appreciation.
11. Logos for trophies, plaques and pins
12. Front cover for guest booklet at Festival.
13. Covers for Cds for get well & sympathy.
14. Name plagues for guests at Festival.
15. Club return labels.
16. Build and maintain a library of photos, bio's of ETA's and guests who partake in club functions.
17. Name tags for Officers, Chairman, Venders, etc who work the Festival.
Public Relations responsibilities
1. To recruit new members
2. To get the word out about our club
3. To support and get the word out about our events
4. To support and get the word out about our meeting
5. To help get sponsors for our club
sewing committee responsibilities
To sew things to help out in show or decorating as needed for the club.
The president or the decorating committee chairperson will let this committee know when something is needed to be sewn.
Turn in receipts for reimbursement
Sound Equipment responsibilities for Chairperson
1. To bring Sound Equipment as needed at our Festival and big events that needs elaborate amounts of equipment
2. To get help when needed with some of his / her equipment.
3. Keep within the budget.
4. Turn in receipts for reimbursement
Sound Equipment responsibilities for Committee
1. To help out and bring Sound Equipment when needed at our Festival and big events that needs elaborate amounts of equipment, if the Chairman is not available and equipment is needed.
2. To help out if and when the Chairman requests the needs for some help with his equipment.
will call responsibilities
1. To get the show tickets in alphabetical order
2. To collect the names of the prepaid tickets.
3. To give out the saved tickets and collect the money owed.
Vendors tables responsibilities for Chairperson
1. To appoint an assistant to take over duties when unable to perform said duties
2. To get assistance on whatever is necessary
3. Get dealer applications
4. Send to as many dealers as we can find
5. Keep tally of dealers
6. Send number of dealers to printer as to make dealer tags
7. Get correct number of tables for dealer room to the hotel for the floor diagram
8. Keep tally of money paid by dealer
9. Get other member of this committee to help.
10. Keep a list of all past venders information for future use.
Vendor tables responsibilities for Committee
1. To help the chairperson with whatever is needed in his committee.
2. Get dealer applications
3. Send to as many dealers as we can find
4. Help chairman with jobs on this committee
5. If chairman is not available to be at event someone from this committee should help to take his/her place
vest committee responsibilities for Chairperson
1. Get material and items to make the vests
2. Get the name of who is getting a vest
3. Get size of each vest to be made
4. Get help from other members of this committee
5. Turn in receipts for reimbursement
Video responsibilities for Committee
1. To help the video Chairperson to take videos of events, meetings and Festival when needed.
2. To follow the agenda of the Chairperson when helping Her/Him
3. Below is the agenda of the video committee
To take video from the center of the room to take video of the entire show to see every point. And not too far away.
Of course take video of the ETA, especially doing something extra special, but also take video of the rest of the show.
To take video of any person doing a special part in the show.
video Solo singing in the background singers
video Playing an instrument lead, etc .
When doing our American Trilogy when Elvis Presley is singing as in our Closing Ceremonies ( other then in the ETA's show, which should be mostly on the show) scan the members holding hands in the circle.
Take video of the entire awards ceremony.
Take video of highlights of Friday night open mike event
Take video of Saturday and Sunday in the dealer room.
Take video of the opening songs at the Festival
Take video of the Sunday morning Gospel
Take video of the guests question and answer session.
Take video of the cars and the winners getting their trophies when we do a car show
Take video of the entire event, fundraiser or special show
Bring in any receipts to get reimbursed for any money spent on videoing.
Video responsibilities for Chairperson
1. To take video from the center of the room to take video of the entire show to see every point. And not too far away.
2. Of course take video of the ETA, especially doing something extra special, but also take video of the rest of the show.
3. To take video of any person doing a special part in the show.
Solo singing in the background singers
Playing an instrument lead, etc¦..
4. When doing our American Trilogy when Elvis Presley is singing as in our Closing Ceremonies ( other then in the ETA's show, which should be mostly on the show) scan the members holding hands in the circle.
5. Take video of the entire awards ceremony.
6.Take video of highlights of Friday night open mike event
7. Take video of Saturday and Sunday in the dealer room.
8. Take video of the opening songs at the Festival
9. Take video of the Sunday morning Gospel
10. Take video of the guests question and answer session.
11.Take video of the cars and the winners getting their trophies when having a car show
12.Take video of the entire event, fundraiser or special show
13. Bring in any receipts to get reimbursed for any money spent on videoing.
14. To get help from other member on this committee when Chairperson can't fully do entire videoing.
15. To get help when Chairperson is not available at event, show, fundraiser, etc