Club Rules & Responsibilities
1) Every Officer and committee in our club must follow the rules and regulations for their committee/Officer position. Except in certain health situations, then they may be excused at that time. (reasonable amount of time not forever)
2) a paid member of our club (member whos dues are up to date) receive newsletters, Birthday cards, CD's (when applicable), and phone calls from the phone committee
3) A Member of our club can get a vest when the criteria is met. ( Vest Criteria lists are available upon request)
4) Everyone on our phone committee must call every person on their phone list and return it back to the President within a months time.  Except in certain health situations and then the club needs to be notified of incapability
5) Every professional entertainer who helps us with our fundraisers... free of charge... witl get their dues paid for one year. (this is a way to pay them back for their help) .... notice !! can't do this for non professional help .. we need the dues to help run our club.
6) Officers terms are 4 years.Then we have elections and if no one runs that Officer is retained another 4 years. Elections are at the Festival of the year needed.Deadline requests to run for an Officers position is 6 months before elections in order to have ample time to campaign.
7) paid up to date club members can vote for any officer in any election. They can even send in an absentee vote.
8) all paid up to date club members can vote on things concerning our club at our club meetings
Club Rules 
Notice: these rules and responsibilities are registered with the state for our club